Fees at The Launceston Preparatory School are organised as a flat fee structure from Prep to Grade 6. Please note that this is a different approach to most other independent schools in Launceston. Kinder and Early Learning fees are calculated through a different method. Please refer to the Fees Schedule for these details.
The Launceston Preparatory School fees include all educational supplies such as Maths textbooks, stationery items, ICT equipment and excursion costs. (The only exceptions are the Outdoor Education camps for students in Grades 4, 5 and 6, where parents’ contributions are added to subsidies from the school). Students need only supply a stocked pencil case and uniform items, including school bag.
The Launceston Preparatory School does not apply any other cost, building or otherwise, to the annual fees.
In 2024 the annual fee for any child attending, in any grade from Prep through to Grade 6, is $7830.00.
This fee does not change according to grade.
Please see our detailed Fees Schedule for discounts that apply for additional family members attending The LPS and for early payment of the annual fee.
Fees are paid by 10 equal monthly payments, due by the last day of each month from February to November. Parents are welcome to make additional monthly payments in advance.
To gain an idea of just how much is included in our fees in addition to our daily curriculum, consider this list of what our students enjoy at no extra cost to parents:
- Instrument hire for Band (Grades, 4, 5, 6)
- Swimming lessons (Grades P – 6)
- Interschool sports programme and travel costs (Grades 4, 5, 6)
- Theatre productions and incursions
- All excursions (excluding overnight camps)
- Online literacy programme accessible at school and home (P-6)
- Specialist sports coaching clinics
- Use of the local PCYC gym and equipment
- Regular visits by children’s authors, illustrators, performance groups and guest speakers
1. Applications for admission can be made at any time and do not incur a fee. The Business Manager will advise applicants when a position becomes available for their child/children at which point a formal enrolment form will be sent to parents for completion.
2. An acceptance fee of $150.00 and an enrolment deposit of $450.00 is required for each student upon acceptance of an offer of enrolment. The acceptance fee is not refundable. If an enrolment is not to proceed after an acceptance fee has been paid, 90 days notice in writing is to be provided to the School indicating that the enrolment will not proceed. If 90 days written notice is not provided to the School, 100% of the enrolment deposit is forfeited.
3. The enrolment deposit is to be held by the School until the student has completed his/her education at The Launceston Preparatory School. If fees are outstanding, the enrolment deposit may be applied to meet any outstanding fees at any time, without further notice being provided. If all fees have been paid as and when due, the enrolment deposit will be returned to the student when he/she leaves The Launceston Preparatory School subject to clause 4 having been satisfied.
4. A full term’s notice in writing, to fall wholly within a school term, is required to be given by the parents before a current student leaves the school. If such notice is not provided, 30% of the annual fee will be payable.
5. If a parent requests leave of absence for a student, the student’s position within the school will only be held for one term providing that 100% of the term fee has been paid in advance. Students requiring longer than one term’s absence will be given priority on a waiting list without guarantee of placement.
6. Students for whom fees or other charges remain unpaid at the end of a term may not return to school the following term, except in-so-far as the School Board of Management may determine otherwise at its discretion.
7. Notice of annual fee increases will be provided in writing in advance of the year in which they are
to take effect.
8. All fees are due and payable within 30 days from date on which account is rendered.
9. When students commence at The Launceston Preparatory School or increase Kindergarten sessions outside the billing cycle, monthly instalments will be adjusted for the appropriate enrolment period.
10. If any payment of fees is 30 days overdue, legal action for recovery of the unpaid fees or charges may be instituted without further notice to you. The costs associated with the recovery of unpaid fees or charges will be recovered from you.
11. No remission of fees is allowable in the event of absences from school but parents are expected to notify the school when children are absent.
It is a condition of enrolment that each parent of a child:
1. signs a copy of each child’s enrolment form for The Launceston Preparatory School;
2. accepts the Conditions of Enrolment and Business Arrangements and agrees to abide by the regulations for conduct and appearance as specified in the School Prospectus;
3. accepts to be jointly and severally liable for School fees;
4. accepts that school-organised excursions are an important component of their child’s education as an extension of the learning program;
5. will promptly attend to considering whether they will consent to their child participating in School excursions and will return to The Launceston Preparatory School a completed excursion form to authorise their child’s participation in each School excursion.